The Quarentena KnitKit Bundle
We’re all stuck – so why not take this opportunity to knit?
Read this first:
This layout is an experiment.  Remember we’re not the web site developer, we’re normal people trying new things because, well, life’s changed a little lately.  Most importantly, we’re not afraid to TRY. Â
So here’s what we’re TRYING to do: Â make it easy to order the kits that we’ll be tackling in April, during our giorni di quarentena (thanks Lynda for the Italian lesson!). Â This setup allows you to includes yarn and PDF patterns for up to 4 kits, which are going to give us some pretty easy knitting (knits, purls, yo, k2tog, ssk) AND we’re going to learn or practice a few techniques along the way. Only want one or two? Â Click the name of the kit in the list to be taken to that kit’s page.
Baby Booties (you’re going to have someone to give these to in November or December, I guarantee it)
The Quick One (a new hat from VanessaKnits)
Glee Water Bottle Sling Gator Yarn
Miriam Cowl – another VanessaKnits creation with just one skein of Gator Yarn!